Learning Skills and Work Habits

Do you fulfil the responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment?
For example: he/she completes homework, class work, and assignments by agreed-upon timelines. Are you being responsible for your own behaviour?

Do you consistently devise and follow a plan and process for completing work and tasks?
For example: he/she independently establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals.

Do you always follow instructions with minimal supervision?
For example: he/she consistently uses class time appropriately to complete tasks.

Do you consistently build healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and media-assisted interactions?
For example: he/she always accepts various roles and equitable share of work in groups, always responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others.

Do you always demonstrate curiosity and interest in learning and readily approach new tasks with a positive attitude?
For example: he/she independently looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning. 

Do you always seek clarification or assistance when needed and independently persevere and make an effort when responding to challenges?
For example: he/she consistently identifies learning opportunities, choices and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals.