French with Mme. Menard

In French class during the month of May.
1. Listining,  Reading and Oral Skills:
A) Please continue reviewing letter and sound association.
The following web site can be helpful:
Have your child use ‘La pommme’ for review (wheel in the shape of an apple sent home mid-March).
Combined with:   la, le, li, lo, lu                 ma, me, mi, mo, mu        ta, te, ti, to, tu
                          ba, be, bi, bo, bu            pa, pe, pi, po, pu            da, de, di, do, du

B) Vocabulary for May
C’est le printemps.       Je vois le soleil jaune.
Je vois la pluie.                                 Je vois un un arc-en-ciel.                           Je vois un parapluie (couleur).
Je vois un cerf-volant (couleur).                  Je vois des grenouilles (couleur).  
Je vois des fleurs (couleur) et (couleur).     Je vois des oiseaux (couleur) et (couleur).     
Je vois des papillons (couleur) et (couleur).

Les moyens de transport:  le camion, l’auto, l’avion, la moto, le voilier, le navire, le bateau, le train, l’autobus.
  • roule, vole, flotte        - dans l’air, sur terre, sur l’eau
                    sentences:  Le camion roule sur la terre.    L’avion vole dans l’air.

Song for May
Les tulipes  (air: Frère Jacques)
Les tulipes (2)
Dormez-vous? (2)
Le printemps arrive (2)
Ouvrez-vous. (2)
2. Writing

We continue to be working on recognizing that in French nouns are either ‘féminin’ or ‘masculin’.
                        la, une = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘féminin’
                        le, un = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘masculin’
   -  combining adjectives correctly with a noun.
                        ex:  C’est une fleur (blanc, blanche).
     - recognizing that nouns are sometimes ‘singulier’ or ‘pluriel’.
                        les, des = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘pluriel’.               
                                     = ‘s’ at the end of the word is also pluriel in French but we do not
                                          pronounce the ‘s’.

The student will be evaluated on those skills at the end of May.

Social Studies
Students will identify the occupations of some people in the community and ways in which people travel around the community (e.g. autobus, bicyclette).  They will also knowledge that various people in their school and community have roles and responsibilities.  They will identify rules and responsibilities at home, school and their neighbourhood.  They will continue working on their mapping skills (symbols, pictograms, legends).

Please remember that French library is every Monday.             

Merci, Mme Ménard

In French class during the month of April.

1. Listining,  Reading and Oral Skills:
A) Please continue reviewing letter and sound association.
The following web site can be helpful:
 Have your child use ‘La pommme’ for review (wheel in the shape of an apple sent home mid-March).
Combined with:   la, le, li, lo, lu                 ma, me, mi, mo, mu        ta, te, ti, to, tu
                           ba, be, bi, bo, bu            pa, pe, pi, po, pu            da, de, di, do, du

B) Vocabulary for April/May
C’est Pâques.                                                
Le vendredi Saint.                                     
Le dimanche de Pâques.
C’est le printemps.                                     
Je vois le soleil jaune.
Je vois la pluie.                                            
Je vois un un arc-en-ciel.                           Je vois un parapluie (couleur).
Je vois un cerf-volant (couleur).                  Je vois des grenouilles (couleur). 
Je vois des fleurs (couleur) et (couleur).     Je vois des oiseaux (couleur) et (couleur).    
Je vois des papillons (couleur) et (couleur).     

        Comptine for April
Les petits poissons dans l’eau

Les petits poissons dans l’eau
Nagent, nagent, nagent.
Les petits poissons dans l’eau.
Nagent, nagent, nagent comme il faut.
Les petits poissons dans l’eau.
Nagent aussi bien que les gros!

         Les poules
Quand trois poules s’en vont aux champs,
      La première va devant,
      La seconde suit la première,
      La troisième va derrière.
 Quand trois poules s’en vont aux champs,
     La première va devant.
3. Writing

We are working on recognizing that in French nouns are either ‘féminin’ or ‘masculin’.
                         la, une = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘féminin’
                         le, un = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘masculin’

We are working on combining adjectives correctly with a noun.
                                      ex:  C’est une fleur (blanc, blanche).

We are working on recognizing that nouns are sometimes ‘singulier’ or ‘pluriel’.
                         les, des = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘pluriel’.              
                                      = ‘s’ at the end of the word is also pluriel in French but we do not
                                           pronounce the ‘s’.

Please remember that French library is every Monday.             
Merci, Mme Ménard


1. Oral and listening skills:
Continue reviewing - Winter clothing
1. la tuque                     2. le chapeau                             3. le cache cou                            4. les mitaines (2)   
5. les bottes (2)          6. le manteau d’hiver                               7. le pantalon de neige     

Continue reviewing - Winter sports/activities
J’aime faire la planche à neige, le ski, le patin,  le hockey, la ringette.    
J’aime glisser avec le traineau.      
J’aime construire un bonhomme de neige, un fort.     
J’aime jouer dans la neige.  
J’aime faire de la raquette.   
J’aime boire le chocolat chaud.                                              
 Additional vocabulary words: la neige, l’hiver, le floçon de neige, le bonhomme de neige.


dans (on)                                               sur (on)                                   sous (under)                           à côté de (beside)                  devant (in front)   
entre (in between)                derrière  (behind)                 devant  (in front of)

2. Reading:
In class, students are working on their reading skills.  Please review letter and sound association.
The following web site can be helpful:
Voyelles:   a e i o u
Combined with:   la, le, li, lo, lu                        ma, me, mi, mo, mu
                                                          ba, be, bi, bo, bu                  pa, pe, pi, po, pu

Have your child practice: La roue des sons (apple).

Please continue with the following vocabulary:

3. Writing - 

We continue working on recognizing that in French nouns are either ‘féminin’ or ‘masculin’.
                         la, une = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘féminin’
                         le, un = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘masculin’
                         les, des = are article in front of nouns that are pluriel and ‘s’ is added,  but in French we do not pronounce the ‘s’.

We will be working on combining adjectives correctly with a noun (depending if the noun is ‘féminin ou masculin’).
                                      ex:  C’est une fleur (blanc, blanche).

Social Studies   Shortly we will be starting our unit on ‘Our Changing Roles and Responsabilities’.

Mme Ménard



1. Oral and listening skills:

Winter clothing
1. la tuque    2. le chapeau 3. le cache cou    4. les mitaines (2)   
5. les bottes (2)   6. le manteau d’hiver 7. le pantalon de neige     

Winter sports/activities
J’aime faire la planche à neige, le ski, le patin,  le hockey, la ringette.    
J’aime glisser avec le traineau.      
J’aime construire un bonhomme de neige, un fort.     
J’aime jouer dans la neige.   
J’aime faire de la raquette.    
J’aime boire le chocolat chaud.                                              
Additional vocabulary words: la neige, l’hiver, le floçon de neige, le bonhomme de neige.

La neige En traîneau
Il neige, il neige,            Ho! Ho! Ho! En traîneau,                                        
De gros floçons blancs,                                                 Comme ça va vite, comme ça va vite.
Il neige, il neige,                                                           Ho! Ho! Ho! En traîneau,
Pour tous les enfants.                                                   Comme ça va vite en traîneau.

Neige, neige blanche,                                                   Hi! Hi! Hi! En ski…….
Tombe sur mes manches,                                             Ette! Ette! Ette! En raquette…..
Et sur mon petit nez,                                                   In! In! In! En patin…
Qui est tout gelé!

2. Reading:
In class, students are working on their reading skills.  Please review letter and sound association.
The following web site can be helpful:
Voyelles:   a e i o u
Combined with:   la, le, li, lo, lu                        ma, me, mi, mo, mu
                                               ba, be, bi, bo, bu                  pa, pe, pi, po, pu

Have your child practice: La roue des sons (will be sent home at the end of the month)

Please continue with the following vocabulary:

3. Writing -  

We continue working on recognizing that in French nouns are either ‘féminin’ or ‘masculin’.
                        la, une = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘féminin’
                        le, un = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘masculin’
                        les, des = are article in front of nouns that are pluriel and ‘s’ is added.

Social Studies: We will continue working on mapping skills (legends and pictograms on maps).
        Merci, Mme Ménard


1. Oral and listening skills:
un arbre de Noël un renne rouge un sac
Jésus, Marie, Joseph un cadeau un traineau une liste
un ange une décoration des lumières               un casse-noissette
une chandelle un lutin chanter

Quand le père Noël vient me visiter
Mon arbre de Noël
Quand le père Noël vient me visiter
2. Reading:
In class, students are working on their reading skills.  Please review letter and sound association.
The following web site can be helpful:
Voyelles:   a e i o u
Combined with:   la, le, li, lo, lu                        ma, me, mi, mo, mu
                        ba, be, bi, bo, bu                pa, pe, pi, po, pu

Have your child read the booklet: Où sont les animaux?

Please continue with the following vocabulary:
                   - numbers   - numbers 1 – 30 orally
   - reading: 1 = un, 2 = deux, 3 = trois, 4 = quatre, 5 = cinq, 6 = six
  -  days of the week         - month           -weather

2. Writing -  

We are working on recognizing that in French nouns are either ‘féminin’ or ‘masculin’.
                        la, une = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘féminin’
                        le, un = are articles in front of nouns that are ‘masculin’

Social Studies: We continue to work on analysing and constructing simple maps and pictograms.  Vocabulary words: droite, gauche, vers le haut, vers le bas, nord, sud, est, ouest.  Please have your child read the booklet in ‘Vers le haut, vers le bas’

        Merci, Mme Ménard


Oral and Reading skills

We are working on ‘Quel temps fait-il? (weather) while using the following sentences.      

Il fait chaud. Il fait froid. Il fait soleil.

Il pleut. Il neige. Il vente.                             

Remembrance Day Vocabulary: le coquelicot, le soldat, la couronne, la paix, la colombe, la croix

Introduction to the French concept - féminin (la, une) and masculin (le, un)

- le pluriel (les, des) and adding a ‘s`

but not pronouncing it. (les soldats – ‘s’ is silent in French)


Coin! coin! coin! (air: Frère Jacques)

Coin! coin! coin! x 2

Qui volent plus haut? x 2

Ce sont les canards. X 2

Comme ils sont beaux! X 2

Writing skills

We are working on printing and sounding out the letters:  a, e, i, o, u.

Students are reminded to form letters correctly, to leave a finger space between letters – words and to write between the lines in their notebooks.

Social Studies in French: We continue to work on analysing and constructing simple maps and pictograms. Vocabulary words: droite, gauche, vers le haut, vers le bas, nord, sud, est, ouest


During the month of October, we will be reviewing colours.            

We are working on the following sentence structure.                                      
                               Bonjour, je m'appelle ________________.
                               J'aime _________ (colour)

Thanksgiving vocabulary: merci, la dinde, la nourriture, la famille, octobre, les
                                         légumes, les fruits, les feuilles des arbres 

                       A l'automne (air: Frère Jacques)                                                                      
 Les feuilles tombent, les feuilles tombent
 J'aime les couleurs, j'aime les couleurs.
 Rouge, jaune, brun.
 Rouge, jaune, brun

Halloween vocabulary with the following songs.

Halloween (London Bridge)                                       

La citrouille rit, rit, rit:  HA, HA, HA,    HA, HA, HA                                                                
La citrouille rit, rit, rit, car c’est l’Halloween!                                                                         
Le fantôme fait: BOU, BOU, BOU,    BOU, BOU, BOU   BOU, BOU, BOU                              
Le fantôme fait: BOU, BOU, BOU, car c’est l’Halloween!
Le chat noir fait: MIAOU, MIAOU, MIAOU,    MIAOU, MIAOU, MIAOU,                             
Le chat noir fait: MIAOU, MIAOU, MIAOU, car c’est l’Halloween!

Le hibou fait: HOU, HOU, HOU,    HOU, HOU, HOU,  HOU, HOU, HOU,
Le hibou fait HOU, HOU, HOU, car c’est l’Halloween!

Le squelette danse le twist, danse le twist, danse le twist.
Le squelette danse le twist, car c’est l’Halloween! 

        Vieille sorcière (Frère Jacques)                         
Qui a peur de la sorcière 
De la sorcière.   De la sorcière.
Qui a peur de la sorcière?
Non, non pas moi!

de la citrouille, du chat noir, du fantôme blanc, du grand squelette.
In writing, we are working on printing and sounds for the letters:  a o i


Your child should review the following concepts.       
Les mois de l’année (months):   

janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre

Les jours de la semaine (days of the week):      

dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi,  jeudi, vendredi, samedi


In class we have been working on introducing ourselves. 

        Bonjour, je m’appelle _(name )_____.
        Je suis un garçon. (boy)         Je suis une fille. (girl)
        J’ai _____ans.  (age)
 Les chiffres 1 – 10

Use the following website for help with pronunciation:

Your child needs to respond quickly to random numbers without pausing to count in his/her head. 

Your child can make flash cards to practise these numbers.  When they are comfortable with the numbers 1-10, they can move up.

Dear Parents:

It pleases me to welcome your child to this school year.  My name is Madame Ménard, I am the French and Social Studies (in French) teacher.  I teach grade 3 (Mrs. Haskell) grade 2 (Mrs. Elliott) and grade 1 (Mrs. Hickman).  Your child spends one quarter (75 minutes) of the school day in French class, four days a week.  Even if you do not speak or understand French, parents and guardians still have an important role to play in supporting their child’s learning.                              

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.  If, at any time during the year, you should have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Merci, Mme Ménard